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Rabu, 21 Maret 2018

Subject, Verb, Complement and Modifier.

           Okeh, balik lagi sama gua setelah sekian lama ga mosting di blog karena tugas softskill gua semester  lalu dosennya otaknya sedikit sampe-sampe ada temen gua yang udah ngumpulin tugasnya ga diterima sama dia, padahal temen gua udah upload juga ke studensite. Cukuplah ngomongin orangnya, jadi di kesempatan kali ini gua bakal ngejelasin tentang Subject, Verb, Complement dan Modifier.

    1. Subject
        Subject complement is a noun , pronoun , adjective , or another construction (acting as a noun or adjective ) following verbs of being or linking verb and serves to explain or refer to the subject of the sentence. Subject complement is divided into three , namely : predicate adjective ( subjects connected with the adjective ) , predicate noun ( subject associated with the noun ) , and predicate pronoun ( subject connected with the pronoun ). For example :
 -       He is such a cute boy. “He” is the subject of the sentence, controlling the verb and the complement.
-     Lionel Messi. plays the ball. The subject “Lionel Messi.” performs the action of “playing the ball”.
To determine the subject of a sentence, first isolate the verb and then make a question by placing “who?” or “what?” before it. Having identified the Subject, we can see that the remainder of the sentence tells us what the Subject does or did. We refer to this string as the “predicate” of the sentence. For example:
-       Who plays the ball ?
-       “Lionel Messi.” (Subject)
-       “plays the ball” ( = predicate) tells us what Lionel Messi does.

    2. Verb
         Is a function word to indicate the action of the subject , showing events or circumstances . Verb is one of the eight parts of speech. English verbs are not always simple shape (one word) , but may be the result of a combination of phrases into phrasal verbs with particle (get in , make-up , read over). For example :
 -       Ryan rides a bicycle. Here, the verb rides certainly denotes an action which Ryan performs
-       We buy some books to learn English verbs. In this example, the action word is “to buy”. It tells us that the subject “we”, who performs the action of the verb is “buying some books”.
The verb tense shows the time of the action or state. Aspect shows whether the action or state is completed or not. Voice is used to show relationships between the action and the people affected by it. Mood shows the attitude of the speaker about the verb, whether it is a declaration or an order. Verbs can be affected by person and number to show agreement with the subject. Most statements in speech and writing have a main verb. These verbs are expressed in “tenses” which place everything in a point in time.

    3.  Complement

        A complement is the part of a Sentence that comes after the VERB and is needed to make the sentence complete. The following are the most important types of complement used in English :

Exm: He’s a pirate. (The Subject is completed by the complement to the verb. This is a Copula Verb.

Exm: She sent him the box. (The sentence is completed by telling us what she sent to him.)

Exm: They will be there in time. (The sentence is completed by the Adjective; this could be extended further, They will be there to see us, etc..)

Exm: They talked about what needed to be done. (The setence is completed by the Phrase linked to the verb by the Preposition.)

     4. Modifier
         Modifier is a word that tells the time, place or manner of the action. Very often it’s a prepositional phrase. Prepotional phrase is a group of words that begins with a preposition and ends with a noun. A modifier of time usually comes last if more than one modifier is present. A modifier can also be an adverb or an adverbial phrase. The modifier normally follows the complement, but not always. However, the modifier, especially when it’s a prepositional phrase, usually can’t separate the verb and the complement.

     5. 20 Examples of sentences with Subject, Verb, Complement, and Modifier.

1.      He is eating this morning
2.      They have entered the place minute ago
3.      The children were playing that night
4.      He is killing the bug that morning
5.      She was washing the dishes tonight
6.      We will rock you tonight
7.      You are the chosen one
8.      You have failed me this time
9.      Mirana is missing this night
10.  Obi-wan is a jedi for so long
11.  Palpatin is the Sith Lord for this time
12.  Snoke is very dangerous for a long time
13.  He is the mastermind behind this crime
14.  He was so smart in the highschool
15.  She was so stupid back in the college
16.  We were friend that time
17.  She was my love of my life for so long
18.  He is texting his ex for the past few minutes
19.  Luke was trained by Yoda for years
20.  The Jedi re the main protagonists in the Star Wars universe.

    6. A text in English with Subject, Verb, Compliment, and modifier.

In a forest an eagle lived on a tree. It had built a nest wherein to lay its eggs. There the eagle would hatch its eggs all through the day.Under the same tree there lived a hen. The hen had also laid eggs during the same period when the eagle had laid its eggs.One day, while the eagle had gone for hunting, a bear climbed up the tree to eat the eagle’s eggs. The bear had finished three of the eggs when the fourth one slipped off its hands and fell into the hen’s nest. On returning, the eagle could not find her eggs. Feeling terribly upset, she decided to leave the place.The hen which lived under the tree saw the eagle’s egg by the side of her eggs. She felt eggs pity on the eagle’s egg, and decided to hatch it too. After a few days, the hen’s chicks hatched. The eagle’s chick hatched, too.
The hen would feed all the chicks, including the eagle’s chick, as if it were her own. Soon the chicks began to grow.The young chicks would listen to their mother’s sounds and try to imitate her. The eagle’s chick also picked up the hen’s sounds. The chicks would all play together and make lots of noise.Within no time the hen’s chicks as well as the eagle’s chick grew up to their full size. The eagle’s chick never realized that it was an eagle and not a hen. Considering itself a hen, the eagle would. eat hen’s food, would walk and run like other hens and would make sounds like hens. The eagle never learnt to fly like other eagles and lived its whole life like a hen only.